What separated us from other landscaping companies is our quality work every step of the way


Most frequent questions and answers

We only recruit qualified  professionals with the right qualification for the job in Design By U Lawncare. We value our clients and their property. That’s why we train our team before assigning specific tasks.

Despite the best intentions of property owners, many lawns  fall short with maintenance. Maintaining lawns and ensuring healthy growth takes a lot of work, time and expertise that many home and business owners don’t have. If you neglect vital maintenance in the spring, summer and fall, your lawn will never look up to scratch. Weekly cuts throughout the growing months will keep your lawn healthy and weed-free. An actively growing lawn will actually choke out weeds naturally so that you may not even need a weed killer.

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When you’re busy, it can be difficult to remember to give your lawn, flowers, plants, trees and shrubs adequate water in order to promote healthy growth. Overwatering of lawns can also be a problem. An automatic irrigation system is an underground network of pipes installed in areas of your lawn to provide an optimal amount of water. Most lawn systems use surface spray irrigation, where sprinkler heads and rotors are used on the lawn. Drip irrigation systems may also be employed in flower beds for plants.


Starting your sprinkler system is not simply a case of turning the control panel on. It could take up to two hours to complete the necessary checks, depending on the size of your yard. It’s generally best to get one of our professional irrigation specialists to start your sprinkler system after winter so that we can check it thoroughly for damage of sprinkler heads, valves, all irrigation zones, and so on. Only attempt it yourself if you are experienced in the mechanics of irrigation systems.

When you’re sure that hard ground freezes are over for the winter and the ground is fully thawed. Turning your system on and the ground refreezing is a risk. We keep a close eye on the weather conditions at Design By U Lawncare so we can help you get the timing right.

Once your irrigation system has been flushed free of water, we need to shut off the main irrigation line and open the drain valve inside your home, if applicable. Our crew will make sure that your system is correctly shut down in the winter so that, come spring, it’s ready to go again.

Letting snow accumulate on your property can increase the chances of someone slipping and injuring themselves. Removing snow form your driveway ensures your vehicle can easily gain access without slipping.
Also prompt snow removal keeps your property or business looking professional and tidy. 

We have a slightly different approach for snow clearing that operates day and night. Our snowblower team serves such facilities with onsite snow removal equipment and tools when possible. We monitor all snow removal services to ensure smooth operations

We constantly monitor weather forecasts and keep an eye for major winter storms. Once we establish the need and schedule, we assign our Snow Clearing team to handle your project. We always ensure that our team matches our clients’ needs.Also prompt snow removal keeps your property or business looking professional and tidy. 

Whether you need, snow clearing, snow blowing or De-Icing  in Design By U Lawncare, we create a schedule based on our current clients. However, in case of an emergency snow removal , we’re always open to prioritizing quick appointments as soon as possible. In case of any doubt, contact our team for more details.

Trees need pruning to help maintain their growth, structure, and integrity and to ensure they receive an adequate supply of sunlight and air. Without pruning, they may be more susceptible to broken limbs and falling branches (putting people and other plants at risk) and the spread of disease. In short, pruning trees helps them reach their full potential and live a long life

(416) 454-7205

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